Earth Warriors


The Earth Warriors are here to rally the public and protect the Earth from the Waste Invaders. A team of elite trash experts, we campaign for change and patrol festivals to make sure no rubbish escapes into the natural environment.

Dancefloor cleanups: The Earth Warriors help events keep on top of their trash by motivating the biggest resource of all – the people.

In the past, it would take volunteers many hours to clean up the main stage after the closing ceremony – a massive waste of time and effort.

We decided that we would keep the music going another ten minutes, and ask the crowd to clean up the area before they left. What used to take hundreds of volunteer hours is now accomplished in just 10 minutes of our funky clean-up tracks which keep people dance-cleaning.

Check out some footage from dance-floor:

*TRIGGER WARNING: this footage contains pre-COVID footage and the densely crowded dance-floors of that epoch. It also features a great deal of trash…

Don’t Let The Waste Win!

Waste is not a problem – it is a possibility. We support programs that turn refuse into resources, and our presence can make a big difference to the levels of waste at events:

Alongside the Earth Warriors, our Upcycle City theme camp and community space can help events transform the waste culture at events by safely celebrating reuse and phasing out single-use items.

By setting both long and short-term sustainability goals it is possible to change event culture, given a holistic campaign over a number of years which engages the public and inspires innovative action.

If you would like to talk with an Earth Warrior to see what is possible, please fill in the form below:

Sign Up Now!
Earth Warriors are hiring! Step forward and join the ranks! If you'd like to put yourself up for nomination, fill in the form below and we'll let you know when the next campaign is beginning.
Tell us anything we might want to know about how you fight to protect this Earth from the invading filth.
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